Credit Card Articles

Benefits of Visa Platinum from Credit One Bank

15 May 2012 by CreditCardsCo™

It's time to apply for a credit card that will make a difference in your life. The Visa Platinum card makes buying all your purchases easier. It also comes with benefits that will make your life simpler all year long. When you want credit and lots of it, this is the card for you.

The Card with Extra Buying Power

The Visa Platinum gives you more buying power than other credit cards. The way it does this is by giving you a larger credit line. Other cards may start you off with a few hundred dollars. That is hardly enough to buy the things that are important to you. With this card, you simply get more. Plus, the card provides monthly updates to the major credit bureaus.

As your credit improves, you become eligible for automatic increases to your credit line. These reviews to your account occur periodically. You will be notified if your credit line goes up. This gives you even more buying power than you previously had.

When you have buying power, it's important you can make purchases where you want. Visa is accepted by more merchants around the world than any other card. This means you can pay for gas at the pump, make purchases online, book travel over the phone and make day to day purchases with merchants in person. Should you ever need cash, just use your card like a debit card for a cash advance. Your card will be accepted at millions of ATM machines around the globe.

Additional Features of the Visa Platinum

There's more to the Visa Platinum than just the power of Visa. You can take advantage of many other benefits with the card in your wallet throughout the year. These perks include such things as:

  • Fraud protection
  • Travel insurance
  • Damage waiver on rental cars
  • Online account management
  • Multiple card designs

Fraud protection ensures you don't pay for purchases you didn't make. You cannot guarantee that no one will ever gain access to your account. Hackers make their living off finding ways to gain access to credit card accounts. If your account is ever hacked or experiences any type of fraudulent activity, you notify the bank. All charges will be reversed, preventing you from the financial obligation of paying charges you didn't authorize.

Travel accident insurance is provided. If you book travel with the card, it is provided for you. You are covered in the event of any accident, either to you or your travel plans. This compensation will cover hotels for delayed flights, cash for medical expenses and even compensation for clothes and sundries you had to purchase due to delayed or lost luggage.

money when you rent a car. The car just needs to be rented using the Visa in order for the benefit to be there. In the event of an accident, the auto rental collision damage waiver will prevent you from being financially responsible for the damages. You can also choose to refuse the waiver when the auto rental company tries to sell it to you because it's a feature of your credit card.

Online account management is a feature of the card. When you want 24/7 access to your account, you can get it from anywhere that you have an internet connection, including your mobile phone. A username and password will create a secure connection. Then find your balance, available credit line and much more. See past transactions in detail, download your monthly statement and pay your bill online. This is convenience at your fingertips. Plus, you can reach out to customer service to have any questions about your account answered in a timely manner. Should you want to make a phone call instead, a toll free number is also associated with the card.

Card designs give you the opportunity to personalize your card. You can choose from a number of colors for your Platinum card. If there are multiple cardholders on the account, each of you can pick a different color. This provides you with a great looking card that matches your wallet, too.


When you're ready to take advantage of more buying power than ever before, the Visa Platinum is within your reach. You can fill out the application within minutes and learn if you've been accepted seconds later. You can then start purchasing around the globe.

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